Hands-On Course, Basic, English 09-11 November 2020

Attingo dissection course 

VAR-ESS Post-Graduate University Course in Endoscopic Nose & Paranasal Sinus Surgery

Schermata 2019-10-27 alle 12.48.19

Special Guest: ANSHUL SAMA - Nottingham University Hospital, UK

The basic three-days lasting workshop is grounded on sessions of live surgery, lectures and practical cadaveric dissection. After the presentation of the daily clinical cases, participants will attend live surgery projections and will debate the surgical procedures directly with the surgeons. Lectures will relate to sinonasal surgical anatomy (macroscopic, endoscopic and radiologic), and specific surgical techniques. Afternoon sessions of step-by-step tutorgiuded anatomical dissection will complete the programme. This course is addressed to ENT specialists or residents who desire to deepen their knowledge on treatment of sinonasal inflammatory pathology, benign tumors and management of possible complications. Partecipants that attend the three-day course and pass a final examination, will receive the Post Graduate University Certificate in Endoscopic Nose & Paranasal Sinus Surgery, of the University of Insubria in Varese.

Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo



The course is limited to 20 participants.

For registration send an email with name, surname, date and place of birth, CV, professional branch and telephone number to:

  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Applications must be submitted within 45 days before the beginning of the course and will be accepted according to a chronological order and in any case after receipt of the bank transfer.

At the moment of registration participants will be given the link for a MANDATORY online hospital safety training. The access to the dissection lab will be allowed only if the online course is previously accomplished. 

Under the auspies of:

ERS logo  & IAR logo

Course Regular Fee: € 1.400,00 VAT included
20% discount for IAR & ERS junior members (under 35)

Registration fee includes:

  • tuition
  • teaching material
  • lunches
  • coffee-breaks
  • University certificate
Participants must attend the three-day course and pass a final examination, to receive the Post Graduate University Certificate in Endoscopic Surgery of the Nose & Paranasal Sinuses, of the University of Insubria in Varese.

Payment Modalities 

A confirmation will be sent after receipt of the bank transfer.

The payment of the registration fee must be made through the Payment Node system, on the platform PAGAMENTO SPONTANEO PAGOPA on the web page:


After registration, the user must choose the recipient structure of the payment, which is the Department and enter in the bulletin causal the name of the course to which he signs.

Causal: Name and surname of the partecipant, ORL 3 sinus 2020


Organizing Secretariat:

Mrs. Adriana Jacona
Department of Biotechnologies and Life Sciences (DBSV) - University of Insubria
Via J.H. Dunant, 3 - 21100 Varese

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Alonzo Massimo

Dept. Forensic Medicine


Azzolini Claudio

Dept. Ophtalmology


Balbi Sergio

Dept. Neurosurgery


Battaglia Paolo

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Bernardini Elena Francesca

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Bignami Maurizio

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Castelnuovo Paolo

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Cherubino Mario

Dept. Plastic & Reconstructive Surg.


Donati Simone

Dept. Ophtalmology


Garberi Cesare

Dept. Forensic Medicine


Karligkiotis Apostolos

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Locatelli Davide

Dept. Neurosurgery


Mercuri Anna

Dept. Neuroradiology


Pistochini Andrea

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Preti Andrea

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Sama Anshul

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology

Nottingham, UK

Terranova Paola

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Turri-Zanoni Mario

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Valdatta Luigi

Dept. Plastic & Reconstructive Surg.


Volpi Luca

Dept. Otorhinolaryngology


Course program 


07:00 – Registration of participants


07:15 – Surgical cases presentation


08:15 – Surgical anatomy of the sinonasal district


08:30 – Live surgery & debate

12:30 - Imaging: Radiological anatomy of the paranasal sinuses


13:00 – LUNCH


14:00 –Video-guided step-by-step dissection
           Identifications of main surgical landmarks

           Sphenopalatine artery identification
           Anterior sinusal compartment: uncinotomy, middle antrostomy, anterior ethmoidectomy
           Draf type I


19:00 – Closing Remarks



07:15 – Surgical cases presentation


08:15 – The combined treatment of rhinosinusitis


08:30 – Live surgery & debate 

12:30 - Imaging: inflammatory diseases & mucoceles


13.00 – LUNCH


14:00 –Video-guided step-by-step dissection 

           Posterior sinus compartment: posterior ethmoidectomy

           Draf type IIa, Draf type IIb & Draf type III


19:00 – Closing remarks



07:15 – Surgical cases presentation


08:15 – Management of sinonasal complications 


08:30 – Live surgery & debate 

12:30 - Special techniques: DCR & Maxillectomies


13:00 – LUNCH


14:00 –Video-guided step-by-step dissection 

           Medial maxillectomy 


           Optic nerve and orbital decompression
           Medial maxillectomy, PPF, ITF


19:00 – Take-home message and closing remarks





2020-11-09 07:00:00
2020-11-11 19:00:00